In conjunction with Maulid, let us learn more about the Al-Quran!
Weekly on IGTV with Ustaz Huzaifah, Ustaz Nu'man, and Ustaz Muslim.
May it be an encouragement for us to continue or even start learning & reading the Al-Quran!
Imam terbatal? Dimana bermulanya saf baru? Surah apa yang sepatutnya saya baca?
Mari bersama sertai kursus singkat ini menjawab soalan-soalan itu dan untuk megetahui lebih lanjut tentang tatacara menjadi Imam dan Muazzin serta memperbaiki bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah.
Bersama Ustaz Muslim Amad bermula 11 Oktober, setiap Isnin selama 4 minggu.
Daftar sekarang di
Allah s.w.t mentions in the Quran 2:186: “I reply to the the person who ask me when he asks.”
In the spirit of celebrating Maulid, we bring you this Doa Challenge! Organised by the Youth of Al-Muttaqin.
Submit in any creative way possible of the Doa that will be recited. Prizes to be won and all Doa video submissions will be shown on our social media platforms.
Who knows, maybe through YOUR video, it will inspire someone? So let’s challenge ourselves to be a better Muslim!
Dalam menyambut bulan yang mulia ini, marilah kita bersama-sama memperbanyakkan selawat keatas Baginda Nabi Muhammad SAW.
InshaAllah, Grand Maulid akan disiarkan secara live online pada hari Sabtu ini jam 10pagi. Pembacaan Diba’i dan Qasidah akan dilaksanakan oleh Asatizah Dakwah manakala tazkirah akan disampaikan oleh Ustaz Ahmad Haris.
Untuk perkembangan lebih lanjut, sila lungsuri lelaman:
Details coming soon!
“Sayang anak tangan-tangankan atau biarkan?”
Bagaimanakah interaksi Nabi SAW dan para sahabat RA dengan anak-anak mereka?
Ikuti kami LIVE di Facebook & YouTube dalam membincangkan sikap mendidik anak cara Rasul dan sifat menghormati anak-anak dalam aspek berbeza.
Bersama Ustazah Kalthom Isa pada hari Ahad ini jam 10 pagi InshaAllah.
"How Rasulullah SAW Treat Women"
Discuss the way Nabi Muhammad SAW treats his wives, his daughter, and other women. Discover how we can emulate and implement his ways in our daily lives. Learn the importance of protecting women and treating them with dignity.
Supported by Social Association of Love and Morals.
Ikuti kami LIVE di Facebook dan Youtube dalam membincangkan tentang apa yang ada pada wanita.
Topik yang akan disampaikan termasuk ciri-ciri dan keistimewaan yang ada pada wanita yang Nabi s.a.w suka, wanita-wanita dalam Al-Quran, dan tips menjadi wanita yang dipandang mulia disisi Allah.
Bersama Ustazah Shameem Sultanah.
"Arghhh... Susahnya nak henti buka FB!"
Mari kita renungkan cara kita berkomunikasi menggunakan alat moden seperti telefon bimbit dan laptop.
Bersama Asatizah kami di Facebook dan YouTube.
Knowing the Beloved
Prophet Muhammad SAW taught people how their faith in God (the Lord of all beings) will help them add value to their lives. He educated people ethics and principles which formed the moral bases of the Islamic civilization. He founded a civilization that was a turning point in the humanity development.
In this course, you will know more about the exemplary qualities of our prophet, understand his features, and learn lessons from his biography.
With Asatizah Dakwah on 7, 14, 21, 28 December.
Life after death is an important and elaborate concept that intrigues many around the world. There are many questions surrounding it but in Islam, the answers can be sought from its most reliable sources; the holy Quran and the hadiths of the Prophet. With these two guiding lights, the path to afterlife seems clearer and certain.
Join us in this 3-part series as we unravel the stages of life after death In Islam; The Last Day, The Day of Judgment, and The Final Abode.