Monthly Contribution Form

Borang Derma Bulanan Masjid Al-Muttaqin (GIRO)


Your donations support the free Quranic education program run by the mosque.

Sumbangan anda menyokong program pendidikan al-Quran percuma yang dikendalikan oleh masjid.

Your donations support the mosque’s everyday operations and educational initiatives, which help to realize the goal of creating a vibrant community mosque.

Sumbangan anda membolehkan operasi harian dan program pendidikan masjid yang menjadi pemangkin visi masjid komuniti yang dinamik.

Your donations help to offset the cost of major essential expenses of the mosque such as for water and electricity usage by the congregants.

Sumbangan anda membantu menampung kos perbelanjaan masjid seperti penggunaan air dan elektrik oleh jemaah.