Fardu Ain 4 The Deaf
A Short course especially for our community with hard of hearing to guide them in basic Fardu Ain (First 2 weeks) and Fiqh Ramadan (Final 2 weeks). This course will touch on:
- Shahadah (profession of faith)
- Solat
- Fasting (with more details)
- Zakat
- Hajj
- Preparation for Ramadan
- Fasting in the month of Ramadan
- Paying Zakat/Fitrah
- Tarawih Prayer
- Night Prayer (Qiyamullail)
- Contemporary issues on Fasting.
Desired Outcome:
At the end of this course, participants should be able to:
- Practice Islam with conviction and motivation.
- Understand more of basics in Islam.
- Be more eager to meet the month of Ramadan.
Target Audience
This course targets adult of any age with hard of hearing.
Course Details
Course is without fees, a book, light refreshments and certificate of participation will be given
Course will commence on Thursday, 5th , 12th , 19th and 26th March 2020, 7:30pm – 9:30pm at #02-15
“The most effective Act of Worship is which is based on the right knowledge and braided by sincerity.”
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